🙃 What's in and what’s out for mental health

our hot takes and resources to support you

Hi fam,

Happy New Year! 🎉

It’s officially 2024 and we’re here for whatever feels you’re bringing into the year, one that will undoubtedly leave us guessing at nearly every turn (it is an election year, after all).

john travolta GIF

Here’s what’s in and what’s out for mental health in 2024. Spoiler: We’re personally dreaming of a world free of digital addiction 🙇‍♀️

Access to Mental Health Care

❌ OUT: Gatekeeping access to therapy
✅ IN: Expanded access to mental health care

We’re over this idea that therapy is only accessible to some (and insurance payers aren’t on the hook to treat mental health care the same as physical health care). So gatekeeping is out, and access is in. 

Good news 🙂

According to a recent article from NPR, the 65 million Americans who rely on Medicare will now have better access to mental health care via a range of counseling services.

Employers are becoming more focused on addressing the mental health needs of their employees, as 77% of Employers Plan to Focus on Increasing Mental Health Access in 2024.

Robert Deniro GIF by Film Independent Spirit Awards


❌ OUT: Being weird about mental health 
✅ IN: Advocating for better mental health everywhere

From celebrities to lawmakers to corporate leaders, this year we love to see advocacy for better mental health at work, in schools, and in our communities.

Former Congressman-turned-mental-health-advocate Patrick J. Kennedy has already started the year spreading the message on the long-term impact Covid has left on our collective mental health

And Gen Z employees are demanding better working conditions.

Want to advocate for your mental health at work?
Get started here

Digital Addiction

❌ OUT: Doomscrolling (we left this behind in 2020 didn’t we?!)
✅ IN: Addressing phone addiction head on

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, digital addiction is no joke. This year, we’re swapping the never-ending doomscroll with actionable and effective ways to break up with our devices (gently of course, so no one gets hurt). 

Break Up Comedy GIF by CBS

If you’re planning a digital detox in 2024, this article from the Washington Post provides sound, practical advice. In short: skip the life hacks.

Interested in joining our digital diet support group this year?
Reply to this email and let us know 🫶

Healthy Habits

❌ OUT: Seeking help only during difficult times 
✅ IN: Maintaining good mental health habits throughout the year 

Gone are the days that mental health care is confined to the therapist’s couch. While we’ll always be big advocates for therapy, this year we’re also championing the daily habits that can help us maintain good mental health in between therapy sessions. 

Ways to get started:

Social Connection

❌ OUT: Isolation (another trend that can stay in 2020!)
✅ IN: Social connection as medicine

It is a scientific fact that connection with others can help improve your ability to recover from stress, promote physical health, and improve sleep, well-being, and quality of life. Even the World Health Organization has launched a commission to foster social connection. 

Here are some simple ways to address loneliness for yourself and others:

That’s all for now. We are excited to see these trends continue and watch the collective efforts raise the bar in 2024. In the meantime:

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Meg, Quincy, and the Here* fam


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